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First-Time Ordering

Placing Your First Order
It's easy to order with us. We make it Simple, Fast, and with No Sign Up. We also accept orders by phone, fax and snail mail - see our Payment Methods help section for more details.

Finding Items
You can search for items using either the top tabs or the left side category links. As you click into these links, you should have the option to narrow down your selection again by using the links on the left side. A keyword search box is located in the top left corner on every page of our store.

Adding Items to Your Shopping Cart
When you are ready to purchase an item, you may have to select an option in the pull down box next to the product. Then click the "Add To Shopping Cart" button. You will now be directed straight to viewing all items in your shopping cart. Each time you add an item to your shopping cart, you will be able to view all the items in your cart. After viewing the items in your shopping cart, you can start checking out or you may shop by using any of the top tabs. While you are shopping you can access your shopping cart anytime by clicking on the link that says 'Shopping Cart' at the top right of any page.

Proceed to Checkout
Once all the items you want to buy are in your Shopping Cart, you can click the button, 'Proceed to Checkout'. Here is where you will enter your order information. Our Checkout process is simple, fast and no sign up necessary.